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This 10-Year-Old Son of a Milkman from Haryana has Won the Junior World Golf Championship Title

On 16 July 2015, Shubham Jaglan won not only the IMG Academy Junior World Golf Championship for the 9-10 age category, but also all the battles that life had posed in front of the 10 year old boy.

This 10-Year-Old Son of a Milkman from Haryana has Won the Junior World Golf Championship Title

On 16 July 2015, Shubham Jaglan won not only the IMG Academy Junior World Golf Championship for the 9-10 age category, but also all the battles that life had posed in front of the 10 year-old-boy. 

Last Thursday in San Diego, a young boy won the IMG Academy Junior World Golf Championship for the 9-10 age category. His name is Shubham Jaglan and he is nothing short of an inspiration.


Overcoming all setbacks that life has thrown his way, Shubham Jaglan, hailing from the Panipat district of Haryana, did not let the lack of opportunities hinder his drive for achieving greatness.

His father works as a milkman and is uneducated. So, how did Shubham find an opportunity to play a sport which is widely regarded as the sport of the elite?

According to The Times of India, when an NRI built a golfing range in his home village, Israna, several kids along with Shubham got an opportunity to play golf. The NRI bought the required equipment and a caddie was hired to train the kids. However, very soon, most of the children did not seem to be interested the game and left it. So, did the caddie. Shubham had shown such talent in the game that the caddie left the equipment at his place and noted just how good he was.

Shubham kept at it. He practised wherever he got space; he practised his bunker shots from a cement mixer filled with sand, rehearsed chip from a tiny grass strip with holes, and learned various techniques from YouTube videos.

It was then that India’s top golfer, Nonita Lall Qureshi, spotted his potential when she realised that his name was on the leader board of every small tournament for kids. She decided to take him under her wing.


That was it. His journey to greatness had begun. Nonita points out the efficacy of the boy’s ambition.

“Once his drive was just five yards off target and I said, good shot. He said, maam, how can you call that a good shot. He is focused on accuracy and hugely demanding on himself.” – Nonita Lall Qureshi as quoted by The Times of India


When his family finally decided to move to Delhi so that he could take up golf seriously, The Golf Foundation of India helped then financially.

This is just the beginning of Shubham Jaglan’s many achievements and he has a long way to go. We have much to learn from him.

All Photo Credits: Facebook

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