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No Repeat of Last Year’s Molestations; Here’s Bengaluru Cops’ Plan for the New Year

Earlier people would gather at the junction of Cauvery Emporium and Brigade Road to bring in the new year. This time they will not be allowed to gather.

No Repeat of Last Year’s Molestations; Here’s Bengaluru Cops’ Plan for the New Year

After last year’s ‘mass molestation’ at Bengaluru’s Brigade Road and MG Road on New Year’s Eve, the city police will have to take an extra level of precaution this year. Plans are underway to ensure the same incident doesn’t repeat itself.

Over 500 HD CCTV cameras will be put around the area, the feed from which will be monitored at all times by a team of cops. They will alert the ones on the ground in case of any suspicious activity, reports The Hindu.

This time there is no event taking place on Brigade Road either.

Brigade Road. Source: David Bennett/Flickr

Earlier people would gather at the junction of Cauvery Emporium and Brigade Road to bring in the new year. This time they will have to keep walking towards Rex Theatre. The police will not allow them to gather anywhere.

It is also being said that a gender barrier will be created, where 70% of the road space will be reserved for men and 30% for women. This decision was arrived at based on the footfall in the past, reports The Times of India.

The Better India has not been able to confirm if the plan will be implemented. However, if the city police do not come up with a better option, it is likely that segregation based on gender will take place.

No man will be allowed to enter in the women’s space, but women accompanied by men can enter the space reserved for men. 1,500 policemen with reflective jackets will be deployed to ensure their safety. 60 additional patrolling vehicles will monitor the crowd.

TOI also reported that about 200 floodlights would be installed at sensitive areas in and around MG Road so that they’re well-lit. Their move has received a mixed response so far. Some say this splitting will be inconvenient for people in groups; others say it is most likely to ensure women aren’t sexually harassed like the last time.

According to Hindustan Times, 10,000 cops will be on duty all over the city and watch towers will be set up so that cops can easily monitor people’s activities.

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